MSc student placements

Thomas Wood, University of Sussex
“I completed my Master’s thesis with the GWCT, looking at how experimental agri-environment schemes provided foraging resources for game birds and farmland bees. The project offered a great opportunity for hands-on fieldwork in a real world system with sampling and observation of invertebrates both in the vegetation and visiting the flowers. The research process was very rewarding as it felt like the reasons for the research were clear and it was part of a broader body of work producing useful results for scientists and land managers. The whole experience increased my desire to work in this area, as I am now finishing a PhD in partnership with GWCT that looks at how existing agri-environment schemes benefit farmland bee populations.”

You can download details of our MSc student projects for 2023 here. They include:

  • The impact of novel conservation habitats in arable farmland on invertebrates
  • The impact of novel conservation habitats in arable farmland on declining farmland birds
  • Manipulating non-crop habitats within fields to enhance biological pest management
  • Comparing methods of assessing badger activity at farmland sites
  • Habitat use by bumblebees and honeybees on a grass-dominated marginal farm
  • How to identify decision points in animal travel routes?

Download details here >