Mousedeer densities in a tropical rainforest: the impact of selective logging.

Author Heydon, M.J. & Bulloh, P.
Citation Heydon, M.J. & Bulloh, P. (1997). Mousedeer densities in a tropical rainforest: the impact of selective logging. Journal of Applied Ecology, 34: 484-496.


1. The responses of two frugivorous ungulates, Tragulus javanicus klossi (Chasen) and T. napu borneanus (Miller), to mechanized selective logging in northern Borneo were investigated.
2. Densities of Tragulus species were measured in forest logged 2, 5 and 12 years previously, and in primary forest, by line-transect surveying. Environmental variables thought to influence mousedeer densities were measured to examine the causes of any observed variation.
3. Both Tragulus species were less common in logged forest, with the larger T. napu exhibiting the most marked decline. Differences in the density ratio of the two species between primary and logged forest were consistent with predictions related to fasting endurance and body size.
4. Mousedeer densities were shown to be negatively correlated with the proportion of severely disturbed forest, and positively correlated with the availability of potential food resources. Densities of T. javanicus were correlated with the abundance of small fruits, which is consistent with diet records, whilst T. napu densities, and overall mousedeer biomass, were correlated with the density of large strangling Ficus trees. Considered a keystone food resource for many tropical frugivores, this observation emphasizes the importance of Ficus in maintaining frugivore communities and has corresponding implications for forest and conservation management.
5. Mousedeer appear to be more adversely affected by selective logging than other frugivorous ungulates or primates within the same forest. This may reflect limitations in the dietary flexibility of mousedeer imposed by the effects of a small body mass on energetic requirements and digestive capabilities. The need for a highly nutritious and readily digestible diet is assumed to restrict their ability to utilize browse as an alternative to fruit.