Management of set-aside to enhance biodiversity: the wild bird cover option.

Author Boatman, N.D. & Bence, S.L.
Citation Boatman, N.D. & Bence, S.L. (2000). Management of set-aside to enhance biodiversity: the wild bird cover option. Aspects of Applied Biology, 62: 73-78.


Although there has been a considerable amount of research on the biodiversity benefits of set-aside, little work has been done on the habitat value of the wild bird cover option. Studies on a farm in Leicestershire showed that set-aside sown with wild bird cover was a preferred habitat compared to other available habitats for nesting and foraging by a wild game bird species (pheasant) and a declining songbird species (skylark), and was also a favoured habitat for a group of invertebrates of high conservation interest (butterflies). The relative value of wild bird cover in relation to other types of set-aside is discussed.