Eine übersicht über fasanenzuchtmethoden in Großbritannien.

Author Coles, C.L.
Citation Coles, C.L. (1956). Eine übersicht über fasanenzuchtmethoden in Großbritannien. Zeitschrift für Jagdwissenschaft, 4: 192-203.


Numerous British pheasant farms are rearing pheasants of common breeds and native crossbreeds.

The breeding methods and equipment, results of experiments concerning egg production, fertility, and hatchability of Ph. c. colchicus, torquatus, mongolicus, tenebrosus, and of wild hybrids are indicated. Eggs are hatched by broody hens, more rarely in incubators. Three different methods of rearing chicks —on free range, in movable pens, in brooders- as well as the kind of rearing foods and the release of young pheasants are described in detail.

Diseases occurring are mentioned and observations concerning the feather-picking and how to avoid it are communicated. Finally there are described indications of recovering released pheasants.