Biodiversity in field margin strips: the ecological and agronomic perspectives.

Author Sotherton, N.W.
Citation Sotherton, N.W. (1998). Biodiversity in field margin strips: the ecological and agronomic perspectives. Gibier Faune Sauvage, 15 Supplement 1: 11-14.


This paper introduces the Special Meeting on 'Field Margin Strips: Ecological, Agronomical and Economic Impacts. Special influence on Biodiversity'. Its objectives are to review the importance of field margin strips for biodiversity and their potential for management and improvement. It also describes the details of the agronomic and economic consequences that need to be considered to produce a Field Margin Strip Programme that delivers improvements in biodiversity, is viable for farmers to operate and is cost effective. Fifteen presentations were made of which ten are presented here on a range of biological and agronomic subjects.