The curlew is one of our most rapidly declining breeding birds, showing a 46% decline across the UK from 1994 to 2010. Curlew was added to the UK red list in in December 2015, and it is argued to be the bird of greatest conservation concern within the UK.
The UK plays an important role in shaping curlew conservation, because we support important breeding and overwintering populations. With a fifth of the world’s curlew in winter, and around a quarter of the world’s breeding pairs in spring and summer, what happens to the curlew in the UK will have substantial consequences for the future of the species.
Help us to understand what is driving this decline
We know that curlew have been doing badly over much of their British range for some time, but very little is known about exactly where our curlew are – particularly in the lowlands. Without this information, it is almost impossible to know how best to kickstart their recovery. If you have curlew on your land, please let us know:
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Conserving the curlew - get your free 8-page guide

What's inside your FREE guide
✓ Introduction - a species in decline
✓ Pressures on breeding
✓ High levels of nest and chick predation
✓ Agricultural nest destruction
✓ Breeding curlew facts
✓ What can I do?
✓ Summary & key points
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