GWCT News Blog
Farmland Ecology
, Letters
We respond to a recent piece in The Guardian concerning insect declines by referencing findings from the Sussex Study, one of the most detailed and longest running studies of its type in the world.
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Farmland Ecology Blog
Farmland Ecology
, Farming
With New Zealand’s dairy farmers currently getting a lot of stick about their impact on the environment and especially water quality. John Holland asks who should pay for environmental protection?
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Farmland Ecology Blog
Allerton Project
, Farming
, Farmland Ecology
A recent paper on insect declines on nature reserves in Germany attracted a surprising amount of media attention last week. But then bad news always gets the limelight. Should we be worried? And is it good for farmers to have fewer pesky creatures around?
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Farmland Ecology Blog
Farmland Ecology
Over the last decade the research on pollinators, especially wild and honey bees has gone exponential, fuelled even more recently by the neonicotinoid issue. Similarly, there has been a huge push through agri-environment schemes, government initiatives and industry to promote the establishment of flower-rich habitats.
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