
GWCT submit evidence to Natural Resources Wales review on shooting

Bucks -shootThe GWCT has submitted evidence to the Welsh environmental regulator as part of its review of shooting on six parcels of land owned by Natural Resources Wales (NRW).

The review was started after those opposed to all forms of game shooting lobbied for the end these sporting leases. However, unlike the recent call for evidence in advance of the Westminster grouse shooting debate, NRW have made it clear they are only interested in original evidence. Those simply expressing views fall outside the scope of this review.

The document was presented to NRW by Sue Evans, GWCT Director Wales . Those wishing to read how we condensed 34 peer reviews scientific papers down to just 16 pages can review it here. In summary:

  1. The habitat management undertaken on land managed for pheasants conserves and enhances woodland.
  2. The package of management, notably habitat enhancement along with predator control and supplementary feeding, contributes to the conservation of many other species, including some woodland birds that are in decline.
  3. This conservation of habitat and its wildlife may help to stem national declines, which have been driven by land-use change, predation pressure and climate change.
  4. This land use delivers high nature conservation value but is financed primarily by private investment. This alleviates the need for state-funded land management for conservation in these areas, providing income in place of expenditure. It also supports local communities economically, socially and culturally.

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