We have set up a dedicated club to welcome the next 500 members that join us - in our hour of need.
The idea is simple. Those that see the value of the GWCT and join*, before 31st December 2020, will receive a specially commissioned GWCT 500 Club badge in recognition of their commitment - and they will be invited to a celebratory welcome drinks party to meet existing members in 2021 (we will announce when and where after the government lift existing Covid-19 restrictions).

Join Now >
None of us know what the next few months will bring – but if you would like to support our unique programme of research - that includes how game management can continue to be sustainable and to benefit wider wildlife – now is the time to join >
Recent support has been humbling
GWCT scientists have been humbled by the support we have received since we announced here that we are facing a significant financial shortfall this year – the best guess is a loss of £1 million, which is 15% of our projected income.
So far we have received over £100,000 – with the average amount about £50. However, it was one anonymous donation of £1 that stood out from the others. The envelope was addressed to the Game Conservancy Council, so presumably a long since retired supporter, and the coin had been carefully wrapped to avoid its detection in the sorting office.

We may never be able to say thank you for this donation – but perhaps it can symbolise just how highly some feel conservation should be evidence-based. When people make wild accusations or use bad information to argue their agenda, our research comes to the fore. We can call upon more than 50 uninterrupted years of data from farmland in Sussex, 25 years of annual count data in the uplands, and 11 years of tagging 10,000 salmon on the River Frome.
But if we can’t pay our scientists, this all stops.
Curiously, one former RSPB Director publicly appeared to relish the idea of the GWCT ‘going bust’ here. His outburst on social media helped us set a new record for the number of members made in a single night – after we pointed this out he has since gone rather quiet, which in some respects is a shame. If you would like to join us today – you can do so here >
Join Now >
The 500 Club is open to those:
a) deciding to support the GWCT through one of our main membership types*
b) not already a member (or were one in the last twelve months)
* Our main membership types include: Premium, Individual, Joint, Gamekeeper, Trade and Overseas. Other types, including Corporate are excluded.