
With nature in trouble it’s eminently sensible that we all remain objective and work together: Our letter sent to The Times


The doom-laden RSPB review of game shooting used an approach that even its own nature reserves would fail (Game shooters fear for their sport as RSPB chiefs take aim, October 10). Its staff decided to use a process that accentuates the environmental negatives and minimises the positives, something that can portray any land use as negative. Clearly it’s just as illogical to rubbish nature reserves as it is to play down the colossal benefits of good game management. One GWCT survey of 34 farms found that the ones with shoots had 30% more farmland birds. With nature in trouble it’s eminently sensible that we all remain objective and work together, so wildlife in our countryside can thrive.

Andrew Gilruth, Director of Communications

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