We have three brand new shoot raffles available to enter online now. Proceeds from all three draws help support the vital conservation work undertaken by the GWCT team in these difficult times. Tickets are limited for each raffle so make sure you enter today to avoid missing out!
Win a day's driven grouse shooting for 8 guns plus accommodation for 16 guests.
Closes 24 January 2023. Tickets £40 each.
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A prize draw to win the ultimate wild sport for two guns to include trout fishing, fallow buck stalking and partridge shooting over pointers. Closes 23 June 2023. Tickets £20 each. Limited to 500 tickets.
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Experience a day decoying pigeons, catch your first trout and encounter your first deer stalk! Followed by a session with former Michelin starred chef, Pat MacDonald, on how to prepare and cook what has been caught. Closes 2 February 2023. Tickets £50 each. Limited to 300 tickets.
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