
Streamlining Farming Regulation: A Transition Update

Farm - Flower Margin

In line with the agricultural transition post-Brexit, the government want to establish a more equitable and transparent regulatory system for farmers. They have published this guidance on the conclusion of cross compliance and its implications for farmers and land managers.

The Countdown to Change
As of midnight on 31st December 2023, both the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) and cross compliance will cease. However, environmental, health, welfare, and public health protections will persist, seamlessly integrated into English domestic law.

Delinked Payments for Simplicity
Introducing delinked payments from 1st January 2024, aims to simplify the transition for farmers. These payments, spanning from 2024 to 2027, will replace BPS, providing a smoother adjustment period.

England's Exclusivity
It is crucial to note that these regulatory changes apply exclusively to England.

Transforming Regulation
Initiating the transition, the government prioritised farmer feedback and significantly reduced cross compliance penalties, resulting in a 95% decrease in complaints. The shift towards a preventative and advice-centric approach aims to collaborate with farmers, promoting self-correction before formal action.

Realising Results Through Advice
This advice-led strategy has already shown promising results. The Environment Agency has engaged in over 12,000 improvement actions with farmers since April 2021, with more than 6,000 successfully completed.

Simplifying Rule Navigation
To facilitate compliance, this Rules for farmers and land managers page on GOV.UK consolidates all 'must dos' into a single, easily accessible resource, categorised by activity.

Delinked Payments Information
BPS customers will soon receive a 'Delinked Payments Information Statement,' revealing the reference amount for payment calculations. Progressive reductions annually will lead to the phasing out of these payments by 2027.

Reinvestment in Farming Schemes
Aligned with the Agricultural Transition Plan, funds released from Direct Payments are reinvested in farming schemes. Farmers can access delinked payments and apply for these schemes, fostering sustainable agriculture.

Communication and Guidance
The Rural Payments Agency (RPA) will email Countryside Stewardship and Environmental Stewardship agreement holders with additional guidance, emphasising transparent communication and support.

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at 16:05 on 12/12/2023 by CyrilThompson.

Farmers cannot just decide areas for Wilding. As a gardener with a wild flower garden you just cannot plant seeds and forget it . The ground has to be stirred up and what is better for that is animals. A lot of plants animals cannot eat so it is dangerous for animals to plant wild flowers. It took me nearly 30 years to get a balance between wildlife and practable garden. and a lot omoney to add a collection of butterfly's and wild animals in my living space It dosent look good in places but I do have foxes Badgers Squirrels Hedgehogs and more birds and insects than I can name. Mine is a garden but farmers need money coming in to make their work viable which is crops and animals .

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