The Government's Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) has made significant strides since its launch, with updated data showcasing its impact alongside Countryside Stewardship (CS) and Environmental Stewardship (ES) options.
Overview of agreements
As of 1st April 2024, there were 55,000 agri-environment agreements, including 34,900 CS agreements, 6,200 ES agreements, and 13,900 SFI 2023 agreements.
SFI uptake and applications
Over 20,000 applications have been received for the SFI, with 13,900 live agreements held by 13,400 farmers and land managers, covering over 2 million hectares of land in England.
Positive feedback and action uptake
81% of farmers surveyed rated the SFI positively. Planning actions are prominent, with 83% of farms having at least one. The most popular management actions include:
- No use of insecticide, nematicide, or acaricide on crops
- Establishment and maintenance of herbal leys
- Multi-species winter cover crops
Application process
75% of participants found the SFI application process easy, with ongoing efforts to simplify procedures, such as removing the need to notify Natural England for certain actions.
Nature conservation and income generation
The SFI supports farmers in generating income while promoting environmental conservation. Nine actions allow farmers to make space for nature, with 150,000 hectares of land entered into these actions.
Action cap and compliance
A cap was introduced to prevent excessive land allocation to SFI actions, ensuring balance between food production and environmental objectives. Most farms have allocated less than 25% of their land to these actions, with 91% adhering to this cap.
Environmental outcomes
SFI agreements contribute to environmental targets, including:
- 430,000 hectares of arable land farmed without insecticides
- 101,000 hectares of sustainably managed low-input grassland
- Management of over 34,000 kilometers of hedgerows
Behaviour change and maintenance
The SFI is fostering behaviour change, with farmers undertaking new actions and maintaining existing ones. Research indicates a positive impact on environmental management.
Future plans
The Government plans to conduct further research with SFI agreement holders, publishing insights on its effectiveness and continuing to provide information through the Farming and Countryside Programme.
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