Monday 1 July 2013
A new award which recognises progressive, innovative and environmentally sensitive moorland management is being presented to Edinglassie Estate at the Scottish Game Fair on Saturday, July 6.
The Golden Plover Award for Moorland Management is an initiative by Fair organisers, the Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust, and The Heather Trust and identifies land managers who maximise the condition of an area of moorland for agricultural, sporting, conservation and other purposes.
The inaugural presentation is being made to Edinglassie on Donside for its consistent performance in all these areas and continuing awareness of best practice and innovation.
Simon Thorp, Director of The Heather Trust outlined the criteria of the award:
“The aim is for a winner that is an example for others to follow. In making our choice, consideration was given to sporting and farming interests, the key traditional land uses, but critically included management for a range of other purposes, such as conservation and improvement of ecosystem services. A wide range of entrants were considered but Edinglassie rose to the top.”
Adam Smith, Director Scotland, GWCT said:
“The concept of this award is to bring to the fore all the superb work being done to effectively and economically manage our heather moorland so it is a healthy and sustainable environment. Edinglassie is an ideal recipient and has long been regarded as a consistent and high achiever in moorland management. We hope this award will instil a healthy competition amongst Scotland’s moor owners.”
The annual award is open to land owners, estates, land managers, farmers, gamekeepers, sporting tenants, syndicates and any other individual or group with an interest in high quality moorland management and aims to encourage and promote good practice.
Artist Colin Woolf has kindly donated a framed special edition print with original pencil remarques to be presented to Edinglassie. This print is taken from a commissioned watercolour portrait of a golden plover which will be on display at the Scottish Game Fair.
Notes to editors
The Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust is an independent wildlife conservation charity which carries out scientific research into Britain’s game and wildlife. We advise farmers and landowners on improving wildlife habitats and we lobby for agricultural and conservation policies based on science. We employ 14 post-doctoral scientists and 50 other research staff with expertise in areas such as birds, insects, mammals, farming, fish and statistics. We undertake our own research as well as projects funded by contract and grant-aid from Government and private bodies. The Trust is also responsible for a number of Government Biodiversity Action Plan species and is lead partner for grey partridge and joint lead partner for brown hare and black grouse. For Information, contact: Katrina Candy – Head of Media and Education (Scotland), Telephone – 01738 554822; Mobile – 07736 802144; Email –
The Heather Trust is an independent charity dedicated to the promotion of high standards of moorland management. Working with a wide range of other organisations throughout the UK, the Trust seeks to improve moorland habitat for the benefit of wildlife, domestic stock, game and all people with an interest in moorland areas. The Trust’s Director is also the Director of Scotland’s Moorland Forum, the Vice-Chairman of the England & Wales Wildfire Forum and Coordinator of the UK’s Bracken Control Group. Contact details - tel: 01387 723201, e-mail:
Colin Woolf is a professional wildlife artist whose ties with the GWCT go back to 1978. His work depicts the birds and mammals of Britain’s wilder, more remote landscapes. One of his specialities is woodcock and in particular, the painting of this species with its own pin-feather. A recently published hardback book on Woodcock and Pin-feather Painting by Colin and his wife Jo is available now as a limited edition of 500; one of these has also been donated by Colin for the GWCT raffle at the Scottish Game Fair. For more information, visit Colin’s website, Colin can be contacted on 01501 751796 or at