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  • Fish

    The Trust has carried out work on fish since the 1970s when work began on fish populations and other wildlife in lakes created after the extraction of gravel. Declining wild brown trout populations were researched in the early 1990s to try and halt the declines and successes through habitat manag...

  • Fish

    Popular Video: 50 Years of Salmon Monitoring on the Frome > Studying the survival of seaward-migrating fish in estuaries > How does water crowfoot benefit young salmon and trout? > Which river characteristics provide better habitat for young salmon and trout? > SAMARCH Project > Do...

  • Studying the survival of seaward-migrating fish in estuaries

    Key points Wild Atlantic salmon populations have declined significantly across their range in the last 40 years. Scientists are concerned that the fish are encountering more challenges in the marine stage of their lifecycle than previously thought, which could be due to increased human activity ...

  • Barrel jellyfish

    Barrel jellyfish You may see jellyfish washed up on the seashore at various times of year, but we’re coming into the season where you might encounter one of the biggest: the barrel jellyfish (Rhizostoma pulmo). We have six species of jellyfish around the coasts of Britain, and two visiting jellyf...

  • Monitoring for Migratory Fish (MorFish)

    In June 2012 the Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust Fisheries department was successful in its €2.5 million Interreg IVA channel programme funding application to the EU. The project is called MorFish (Monitoring For Migratory Fish) and involves working in partnership with the Institut Nationa...

  • Atlantic salmon

    Atlantic salmon The presence of this species in our waters is a source of pride! I have taken quite a long time to decide what to write about this month. The seasons have changed, which normally gives me more options as I like to link what I write about to what you might see that month, but for s...

  • Salmon survival in the sea: Bigger is better

    Key points Atlantic salmon populations have declined recently because they are surviving their time at sea less well. It is thought that factors like food availability for young salmon (smolt) in rivers during their freshwater life-phase could affect body size, therefore impacting their subseque...

  • How a changing environment affects grayling at different life stages

    Summary Grayling numbers fell by over 75% in all age-classes over this study (2003-2019). Low river flow in summer was linked to reduced adult survival, and lower flow in winter was linked to reduced juvenile survival. More days of higher summer temperatures, and more cover with river plants wer...

  • How does river flow and temperature affect survival of young European grayling?

    Key points European grayling are important for fisheries across Europe. However, some populations have declined in recent years. This study aimed to understand how river flow and temperature can affect how well they survive from eggs to young fish. Every autumn between 2009 and 2016, young grayl...

  • Position statement on the tighter regulation of salmon farming

    The MSA has already confirmed that it supports the urgent implementation of a new system of regulation for fish farms. This regulation must include: The clear identification of a Scottish public authority with the statutory function of protecting wild fish from the negative interactions of salmo...

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