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  • Is fox control important?

    Q: Why is fox control important for the conservation of our game and wildlife?A: Wild ground-nesting birds like black grouse, partridge, lapwing and curlew are particularly vulnerable to predation by foxes, as are brown hares. Several of these are species of conservation concern; others are game ...

  • Forming a Farmer Cluster

    The establishment of a new Farmer Cluster begins with the identification of a lead farmer – a good farmer, respected in the community and prepared to lead, with strong green credentials. Farmer Clusters are designed to be farmer-led from the ground up, so the right choice of lead farmer is import...

  • Class of 2019

    Tamara Spivey (Scottish Lowlands) Ellen Knight (Farmland Ecology) I’ve had a fantastic year working in the Farmland Ecology Unit at the Trust. The placement has allowed me to work on a variety of projects, from spending days walking around farms catching bumblebees to surveying woodlands for woo...

  • Songbirds

    The term ‘songbirds’ is typically used for the small passerine birds of farmland and woodland such as tits, warblers, thrushes, finches and sparrows. Many of them are resident all year round, like the tits, sparrows and most finches. Others are migrants, being either present as breeders in the UK...

  • Premium Member Discounts

    Enjoy exclusive discounts and deals from our Premium Partners GWCT Premium Members receive a 15% discount off the price of a yearly subscription to a range of magazines published by Fieldsports Press. GWCT Premium Members receive a 10% discount on the price of four special mixes (margin, meadow...

  • Research

    Birds > Mammals > Insects > Woodland Biodiversity > Upland Biodiversity > Lowland Heathland >   As our name indicates, we conduct a large amount of research on non-game/quarry species. This work goes back to our research on farmland when we noticed how butterflies and rare arab...

  • Julie Ewald

    Head of Geographical Information Science Julie has been with the GWCT since 1995. She grew up on a mixed farm in northeast Nebraska, USA, becoming the first person in her family to go to university. After studying parasitology in the States, Julie boarded a commercial aircraft for the first time ...

  • Conservation through wise use

    Game shooting provides an incentive to manage game animals and their habitats. This investment in wildlife management and habitat ameliorates the effects of intensive farming or forestry so improving conservation in the countryside as a whole. The term wise use, when applied to hunting, is based ...

  • The value of arable weeds

    Key findings The abundance of insects eaten by farmland birds and grey partridge chicks depended on the percentage cover and types of weeds present. At least 10% weed cover by desirable species is needed for insect food for grey partridge chicks. Ever since the pioneering research conducted in ...

  • Our Story

    The origins of Game Conservancy USA in 1985 arose from conversations between members of the Game Conservancy Trust (GCT, UK) and B.Z. Lee, founding president of the organization initially called “American Friends of the Game Conservancy” (AFGC). Mr. Lee met with then GCT Vice-Chairman The Earl P...

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