Woodlands management for North Yorks Park Authority

These events are targeted at all land managers involved in woodland management for game and wildlife including shoot owners, shoot managers, farmers, gamekeepers, forestry operators and conservation agencies. The one day course will consist of a mix of indoor presentations and a field visit to demonstrate the practical aspects covered during the day.

Items to be covered will include:

  • How to manage and improve woodland for both game and wildlife. Practical advice will be provided covering, planting, cutting, thinning, coppicing, woodland design and location, species choice, ride management, hedge management (including linkage to surrounding hedges), the importance of ground flora and the need for continued woodland management.
  • What grants are available to help to cover the costs and which rules and regulations apply to the area including designations and rights of way issues.
  • Sustainable pheasant releasing including densities, releasing strategies, release pen design and maintaining good health during the release process.

Planned dates are listed in our events calendar, or contact Lizzie Herring to register your interest.

Attend a GWCT course

All scheduled courses can be booked online through our events calendar.