23 April 2024

Scottish Game Awards 2024 launched to recognize excellence in the country sports sphere in Scotland

GWCT Scotland is excited to announce the launch of the Scottish Game Awards 2024, a new initiative designed to celebrate the outstanding contributions of sporting estates, game dealers, gamekeepers, and ghillies in supporting people, jobs, and nature. These awards are a collaborative effort between Scottish Land & Estates (SLE), GWCT Scotland, and Scotland’s Regional Moorland Groups (SRMGs).

SGA Awards Launch Graphic

Nominations are now open across four distinct categories:

  • Game Champion of the Year
  • Conservation and Sustainability in Sporting Award (sponsored by Calton Wealth Management)
  • Gamekeeping Team of the Year (sponsored by Officer’s Association Scotland)
  • Fishing Beat of the Year

The deadline for nominations is Monday 13th of May, with winners set to be announced at the GWCT Scottish Game Fair on Saturday 6th of July 2024.

The collaborative organisations behind the awards emphasize the importance of publicly recognizing the hard work and dedication within Scotland’s country sports sector.

Ross Ewing, Director of Moorland at Scottish Land & Estates: “The Scottish Game Awards aim to champion estates, teams, and individuals who are going above and beyond in the country sports sector. The social, economic, environmental, and natural benefits that stem from country sports are extensive, impacting not just fishing, stalking, or shooting enthusiasts but everyone.”

Rory Kennedy, Director of GWCT Scotland, added: “Scotland’s estate owners, land managers, gamekeepers, and ghillies show a strong commitment to conservation and sustainability, resulting in a rich variety of floral and fauna across hills, moorland, and waterways. These awards recognize and encourage this contribution.”

Mark Ewart, National Coordinator for Scotland’s Regional Moorland Groups, commented: “Gamekeepers and land managers, along with the estates they work on, form the backbone of many rural communities – something often recognized locally but less understood elsewhere. These awards honour those who exceed expectations, and we are thrilled to support them.”

For full details on how to nominate, including criteria for each category, visit: Scottish Game Awards 2024 Opens For Entries | Scottish Land & Estates (scottishlandandestates.co.uk)

Notes to editors

The Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust is an independent wildlife conservation charity which carries out scientific research into Britain’s game and wildlife. We advise farmers and landowners on improving wildlife habitats. We employ 22 post-doctoral scientists and 50 other research staff with expertise in areas such as birds, insects, mammals, farming, fish and statistics. We undertake our own research as well as projects funded by contract and grant-aid from Government and private bodies. The Trust is also responsible for a number of Government Biodiversity Action Plan species and is lead partner for grey partridge and joint lead partner for brown hare and black grouse.

For information, contact:

Playfair Walker
Telephone: 0131 445 5570
Email: richard@playfairwalker.com