Ageing Irish pheasants by measurement of their proximal primaries.

Author Robertson, P.A.
Citation Robertson, P.A. (1985). Ageing Irish pheasants by measurement of their proximal primaries. Irish Birds, 3: 71-74.


Proximal primaries were collected from Irish Pheasants of known age and the shaft diameters used to determine the discriminant measurements applicable for separating adult and immature birds. Cock Pheasants with a shaft diameter of below 3. I mm were immatures, those above being adults. The age classes of hens demonstrated an overlap of measurements in the range 2.8 mm to 3.1 mm. Although hens with a shaft diameter within that range could not be aged, this technique allowed 83% of the hens to be allocated to a specific age class, those below 2.8 mm and above 3. 1 mm being immatures and adults respectively. The discriminant measures obtained were lower than the corresponding values from Britain and reflect the smaller size of Irish pheasants.