The potential of quinmerac (BAS 518H) for the selective control of cleavers (Galium aparine) in field boundaries.

Author Bain, A.B. & Boatman, N.D.
Citation Bain, A.B. & Boatman, N.D. (1989). The potential of quinmerac (BAS 518H) for the selective control of cleavers (Galium aparine) in field boundaries. In: 1989 Brighton Crop Protection Conference - Weeds: 1057-1062. British Crop Protection Council, Farnham.


During 1988/89 experiments were conducted in the field and under glasshouse conditions to test the effect of BAS 518H (quinmerac) on a range of hedgerow and rare weed species.  Initial results suggested that quinmerac achieved excellent control of Galium aparine and had little effect on non-target species.  Quinmerac may therefore be an appropriate means of reducing the thread of G. aparine seed ingress from field boundaries into crops, with minimal effects on the remaining field margin flora.