Selective control of cleavers (Galium aparine) in conservation headlands with quinmerac.

Author Boatman, N.D.
Citation Boatman, N.D. (1991). Selective control of cleavers (Galium aparine) in conservation headlands with quinmerac. In: 1991 Brighton Crop Protection Conference - Weeds: 669-676. British Crop Protection Council, Farnham.


Trials were carried out with quinmerac applied at different rates and timings, to confirm its efficacy in controlling Galium aparine in a headland situation, and to investigate its degree of selectivity with respect to other weed species. Eleven small plot trials were carried out in 1989 using a backpack sprayer with hand held boom, and a further two in 1990 involving larger plots with herbicide applied by full width farm sprayers. Good control of G. aparine was achieved in all trials. Veronica spp., Papaver rhoeas and Lamium purpureum were also susceptible, but all other species were resistant. It is concluded that quinmerac has potential for selective control of G. aparine in Conservation Headlands.