Research-based conservation at the farm scale: Development and assessment of agri-environment scheme options.

Author Stoate, C. & Moorcroft, D.
Citation Stoate, C. & Moorcroft, D. (2006). Research-based conservation at the farm scale: Development and assessment of agri-environment scheme options. Aspects of Applied Biology, 81: 161-168.


Widespread and successful adoption of agri-environment scheme options is dependent on sound research into environmental benefits, and practical development in the context of a farm business. This approach is adopted at The Game Conservancy Trust's Allerton Project in Leicestershire, and the RSPB's Hope Farm in Cambridgeshire. We consider the overall impact of an integrated approach to habitat management and illustrate the benefits of this approach in more detail using four case study habitat options. Each has made a significant contribution at the farm scale towards delivering the three major requirements (safe nest sites, summer food and winter food) of many birds of conservation concern. These include both Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) species and those contributing to the Government's Public Service Agreement to reverse the decline in farmland birds by 2020. Each farm demonstrates how Government targets for biodiversity can be met within commercial farm units, helping deliver agri-environment options which provide benefit to both wildlife, and the taxpayer who ultimately pays for them.