15/3/2019 in: GWCT News Blog under: Hen harrier/Grouse shooting
The High Court in London has issued the result of a judicial review into Natural England’s decision to grant a licence to allow brood management of hen harriers.
14/3/2019 in: GWCT News Blog under: Hen harrier/Grouse shooting , Letters
Isla Hodgson is absolutely right to say that efforts to resolve the conflict between hen harriers and grouse moors have so far focused on two areas: diversionary feeding and legislation.
13/3/2019 in: GWCT News Blog under: Hen harrier/Grouse shooting , Letters
Carefully managing broods of harriers to unlock this proven conflict is eminently sensible and one of the reasons why it has been used around the world for a range of other species.
12/12/2018 in: GWCT News Blog under: GWCT Scotland , Letters , Hen harrier/Grouse shooting
It's bizarre that anyone should feel ploughing up our heather moorlands is great idea (Grouse shooting is ‘least effective’ use of Scotland's land, December 10).
10/12/2018 in: GWCT News Blog under: Letters , Hen harrier/Grouse shooting
7/12/2018 in: GWCT News Blog under: Hen harrier/Grouse shooting
Government has implemented a hen harrier recovery plan that does address the conflict in England. Ironically, the RSPB is taking the Government to court this week to try and prevent plans to recover a species they claim to champion.
7/11/2018 in: GWCT News Blog under: Hen harrier/Grouse shooting , Letters
We respond to a recent piece in The Telegraph discussing Chris Packham's latest attack on grouse shooting.
23/8/2018 in: GWCT News Blog under: Hen harrier/Grouse shooting , Letters
We respond to a recent piece in The Telegraph on mountain hare declines.
14/8/2018 in: GWCT News Blog under: Hen harrier/Grouse shooting
Meeting at a nature reserve beside the Thames Estuary may sound a strange place to discuss our uplands but there is a link – both have peat underneath and at one time had trees on top.
8/8/2018 in: GWCT News Blog under: Hen harrier/Grouse shooting , Letters
It is bizarre that the RSPB should now suggest (Feathers fly over who to thank for saving hen harrier, Aug 6) that these successes have been achieved through nest protection alone.
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