THE best game conservation projects across the country are being judged at the 2018 Purdey Awards.
Entries are welcome from all sizes or types of game bird shoots, whether all wild, partly wild, or reared and released. They can be submitted by the owner, keeper, or a syndicate, farm, estate, club or wildfowling association.
Winning shoots will demonstrate a strong link with their local community and explain how the countryside and conservation benefits from their activities.
Judges are looking for clear vision, sound execution and genuine results, taking into consideration the available resources, so anyone can win, irrespective of size or budget; this is not just about big shoots.
Consultant to the judges is Mike Swan, who is head of education at the Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust (GWCT) said: “As always, it’s an honour to assist the judges in assessing some stand-out projects from all over the UK.”
“There was a good crop of entries last year and we are urging those who haven’t already entered to submit their projects.
“There are some substantial cash prizes to be won too, so hurry and enter!”
The awards, which have been running since 1999, will be presented in Purdey’s famous Long Room on 22nd November at a ceremony in Audley House, Mayfair.
There are cash prizes totalling £15,000 for Gold, Silver, and Bronze Award winners as well as Special Awards recognising outstanding individual achievement.
Additionally, up to five on site advisory visits from the GWCT will be awarded each year.
To be eligible to enter, with all shoots needing to comply with the Code of Good Shooting Practice, applications must be submitted by Tuesday 22nd May 2018.
James Purdey and Sons, the London Gun and Rifle Maker, is the organiser of the annual Purdey Awards for
You can download the entry form here