A GROUP of leading shooting and rural organisations has released the following statement in response to
the National Game Dealers Association (NGDA) announcing that it is committed to sourcing all feather and fur game from lead-free supply chains from 1 July 2022.
A spokesperson for the British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC), Countryside Alliance
(CA), British Game Alliance (BGA) and Game Farmers’ Association (GFA) said: “A strong game market and
acceptance of game meat will mean a strong future for shooting. The continued use of lead shot has
become a growing blocker for the game market. This was a key driver in the announcement by the
shooting organisations last year of a five-year voluntary transition away from lead shot for live quarry.
“The NGDA represents an influential portion of the overall game dealers sector and their statement
provides significant direction and leadership.
“The shooting organisations continue to work towards a voluntary five-year transition but accept that
changes within some areas of the sector may move quicker than in other areas.
“The shooting organisations will continue to work with all stakeholders to support the transition through
education, promotion, research and development in sustainable ammunition.”