Join us for the SAMARCH Project's final conference, taking place in Southampton on 14th & 15th March 2023
Migratory salmonid populations have declined drastically in the last four decades. Multiple freshwater factors have been associated with this trend, along with a marked decline in marine survival.
To unravel the reasons for the decreasing marine return rates, leading researchers, like those in the SAlmonid MAnagement Round the CHannel (SAMARCH) Project, led by GWCT have completed detailed studies of the estuarine and marine phase of the salmonids’ life cycle.
The conference will present the results from this research and show how evidence collected by the project has been used to develop tools and inform management and policy guidance to better protect salmonids in estuaries and coastal waters.
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Presentations and discussion will take place in the following sessions:
- Results from the SAMARCH project
- Salmon & Sea Trout Evidence from Tracking and Genetics Research
- Refining Salmon Stock Assessments in a Changing Marine Environment
- Protecting Wild Salmon and Sea Trout in Transitional & Coastal Waters
- Tools for Protecting Salmonids
A conference dinner will be held on the evening of 14th March which is open to all delegates. A fantastic opportunity to meet people working at the forefront of salmon research.
Accommodation: A special room rate (£115 B&B subject to availability) is available for conference delegates at the Leonardo Royal Hotel Southampton Grand Harbour.
SAMARCH is funded by the EU Interreg France (Channel/Manche) England Programme.