East Tayside Auction 2019

Guardswell Food 2019Guardswell Farm was the venue for the recent East Tayside Dinner & Sporting Auction and it provided a suitably spectacular setting for a spectacular event.

Guests were treated to a drinks reception upon arrival before sitting down to a beautiful meal cooked by LovEvents, which included a Thai green curry made with local partridge, enhancing the importance of “field to fork”.

Following a brief welcome from GWCT Scotland Chairman David Noble and Director Scotland Bruce Russell, and a rousing welcome from East Tayside Chairman Mike Clarke, the guests then proceeded to help raise over £32,000 for the charity via a raffle and a superb auction, hosted by Dougal Hamilton.

Special thanks go out to the sponsors on the evening (RK Harrison, Savills & Thorntons), all of the hosts, guests, donors and the East Tayside Committee for their efforts – without whom the event wouldn’t have been possible.