Perth and Kinross 2019 Primary Schools Art Competition winner Clara Holt-Brook has recently enjoyed one of the many prizes awarded, a place on a ceramics workshop with Julian Jardine. Her beautiful otter stood out from the many talented entries to our competition as it danced amongst the bubbles in the water.

Julian Jardine has been a part of the GWCT art competition since the very beginning and offers a place on one of his ceramic workshops for both the winning primary and secondary pupils. A hugely valuable experience for the young artists, they learn to work with clay and spend many hours refining the skill to produce, in this case a vibrant dragon.

The 2021 competition is to be launched with the support of Studio East, Architects. Details will be sent to schools in time for their return in August. Other prizes available include a farm visit for the winning class of the Overall Primary winner, there is a Quaich trophy, useful and educational art materials and vouchers. In addition, every winner (approximately 30) will receive personalised certificates presented at a celebratory event in the AK Bell library. Open to all pupils across the region we encourage as many entries as possible. For further details visit